Saturday, August 25, 2012

Needle and Thread

We just came off a stretch of cooler weather, which had me in fall mode. The mere mention of fall seems to get most people I mention it to grumbling about what comes after fall (don't worry, I won't even say it). Although I'm not ready for that season that shall not be named, I have made peace with cooler weather being around the corner. 

As I continue to clean out closets, there have been a few pieces of clothing that I no longer wear due to stains, rips and size and yet, I didn't want to part with them. Now, that old stained sweater, has a new look thanks to old pieces of shirts, cut out into shapes and hand sewn onto the sweater. 

The hardest part? Deciding which shapes and pattern to use. After that, it was simply a matter of cutting up the fabric. using no fray on the edges, and sewing each piece on. It did take a couple of hours, since each piece requires the stitching to be close to together, but it was well worth the time. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Old Furniture

For as simple as a chair as it may look, this little beauty took more hours than I care to remember to re-do. It was redone horribly in thick coats of black paint on an unsanded surface with layers of dirty, torn fabric on the seat. When I saw it, I knew it needed to be brought back to life. 

Well as soon as one project is done, another appears. A matter of days later to be exact. Arte and I were out for a ride and drove past this old buffet table on the side of the street, in front of a recently abandoned house, with a free sign. I was daydreaming out the other side of the car, but my husband turned right around. He knows how I love old, well made furniture. 

He didn't even stop the car and again, I knew I would be bringing this piece home to restore. We raced back home, hopped in the pickup truck and kept our fingers crossed it would still be there when we got back...and it was. Phew. 

White, shabby chic furniture tends to catch my eye and although in some ways it would be easier to just buy a piece, it's much more expensive. It's also gratifying to bring a worn, but still worthy piece of furniture back to life and in the end to give it a place in a home, once again.

This table was in front of a recently emptied house that looked to be one of an older couple that have either passed or have moved to a residence of some sort. I can't help but to think how they once brought this same piece into their home and cherished it for years. Using it throughout ordinary days, holidays and other special occasions.

I'm not sure of the story it comes with, it's past, but I do know it's future will be cherished. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday's Quote

Watching one season greet another is a brilliant act of Mother Nature. As summer fades into fall, I'm trying to absorb all they both have to offer.

One of Philosophy's latest products so eloquently captures summer in all it's young glory. Before summer passes us by, I just had to share their latest philosophy on 'Falling in Love - Summer.'

'philosophy: the spark of summer love is bright and dazzling. it dances you through days of sunny encounters and sweeps you into warm nights of romantic outings. like a shooting star, summer love captures you in a spectacular moment. summer love may be fleeting, but its glow is unforgettable. it is a glimpse of true love that inspires you to look to the universe for the next great spark.'

There is a part of me that likes to believe that something this simple could put just a little more love into the world. May both seasons greet you with warmth, kindness and beauty this weekend!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Upcycled Belt

When I'm on a cleaning spree, watch out. If it's in my way, it goes. My husband on the other hand is the exact opposite. In the end, we balance each other out and he's taught me to slow down and think a bit more when tossing/donating things. There's been a time or two when I've been tempted to go back to Goodwill and ask for my donation back. 

This old fabric belt was in the to-go pile, but was pulled back out and upcycled with a couple of yards of lace to make a new belt for the fall. What an easy, breezy project that required no sewing.  

- Fabric Belt
- Two yards of lace*
- Two yards or stitch witchery (will adhere the lace to the belt)
- Hot iron
- Spray bottle with water 

Lay the belt out flat on an ironing board and cut lace and stitch witchery to size. On top of belt, first lay the stitch witchery and then  the lace. Spray the top with water, and then use a hot iron to adhere the lace and belt together. Once the layers have adhered to your liking, flip and repeat steps on the other side. 

*Tip: If you're going out to buy lace, bring the belt with you to ensure the exact amount you'll need. It maybe a bit more or less than two yards depending on the size of the belt. 

See...easy breezy! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Sunday Stroll

It was a perfect morning for stroll through the park with lots of little nooks and crannies to explore... hydrant and dog artwork...

...a labyrinth... in abundance...

...stone wall.... architecture...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday's Quote

Ralph Waldo Emerson summed up summer pretty well when he said, 'Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink the wild air.'

We're in the midst of trying to decide where to take one last big drink of summer's fading beauty. A weekend trip to one of the many quaint New England towns seems appropriate. Clearly, we still have some narrowing down to do.

Until then, I'll be dreaming of:
:: Sea salt air
:: Soft sand and sea shells by the seashore
:: Sea shell hunting
:: Nautical inspired towns
:: Waves hitting the sand

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Acorn Love

Have you noticed the subtle changes in the air? The days are still warm, and even hot, but the intensity isn't what it was. The nights have been cool and some mornings almost chilly. I'll admit, I had the heat on one morning in the car [don't tell anyone. wink. wink]. 

It was a week or so ago, when I spotted acorns on the ground. You would have thought there was a race between me and the squirrels the way I lunged for the first one. The sight of acorns make me smile. They remind me of sweet, crisp fall weather, wonderful, simple memories and a time for nesting. I have even been known to kick them around the neighborhood, lost in thought, trying to gently kick the same one around the block. 

This year, I'm studying their varied shapes, sizes and colors for an upcoming acorn project. There were many days this summer I wanted to work on it, but it just didn't feel right to be modeling acorns until they arrived. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday's Quote

With one warm and somewhat uncomfortable day after another, I need to remind myself of the  fleeting, beautiful and simple things summer has to offer. 

:: Late evening walks
:: Dinner on the porch 
:: Ice cream anytime, anywhere 
:: Car rides in the country with all the windows down
:: Glimpses of fire flies
:: Crickets singing their song

The list goes on and on, but Terri Guillements sums it up oh so eloquently, 'I drifted into a summer nap...serenaded by a cicadas lullaby, to drowsy-warm dreams of distant summer.' 

May your weekend bring you all that summer dreams are made of.